What's been going on?

We were thinking to revive this blog and start writing regularly and to do this we’ll start with the things that already happened.
Around Easter a team from
Guilford boiler room visited us. There main goal was just to hang out with “Glasnost”, see what we are doing, chat and pray. We had two days of non-stop prayer, and what I like with prayer rooms is that gives you some feeling of sanctuary, place where you can meet with God. Not that you can’t do this at home or everywhere else, but again there is something special with this, everything around you is just immersed in prayer and you can not help yourself but pray. The Team visited Ohrid, where Scot and Misty are planning to start a boiler room. We had good chat also with Ian Nicholson and Tommie Naumann and after these talks “Glasnost “is officially part of 24-7 prayer movement. “Red moon rising “by Pete Graig, great book about the story of” 24-7 prayer” is in translation and we hope that we can raise money and print this book in Macedonian.
Another highlight was the team from Virginia. They were mainly focused on work with students. From the very first team that was here from Dwelling Place we had this feeling of strong connection which grows with the time. All in all “Glasnost” has more and more friends around the globe, friends that share the same dream, dream that is far bigger than ourselves, initiated by the ultimate dreamer, God himself.